History of the WCO Performance Measurement Mechanism

The WCO decided in 2019 to set up a Working Group on Performance Measurement (WGPM) with the aim of developing a comprehensive WCO Performance Measurement Mechanism (WCO PMM) for Customs.

The WCO Performance Measurement Mechanism (WCO PMM) was endorsed by the Council in June 2023.

It pivots around four dimensions:

  • Trade Facilitation and Economic Competitiveness;
  • Revenue Collection;
  • Enforcement, Security and Protection of Society;
  • Organizational Development.

Each performance dimension is divided into expected outcomes with corresponding Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

A progressive approach has been taken regarding the development process for the KPIs and the first version of the WCO PMM (PMM v.1) includes only a limited set of 23 expected outcomes with the corresponding KPIs.


Voluntary assessment 

PMM assessment is voluntary and is to be divided into two consecutive phases.

  • First, the administration is to conduct self-assessment, organized every two years 
  • Second, WCO experts are to carry out a peer review, upon request, thus ensuring the credibility of the assessment process and its quality.

Once an initial assessment has been carried out, it will have to be repeated on a regular basis. In other words, KPIs will have to be monitored over time. Guidance material has been developed and the WCO Secretariat will offer continuous support during the process.



The KPIs included in the first version of the PMM relate to Customs administrative data.

Customs administrations can choose not to use a KPI if it cannot be measured due to national specificities.



Data Disclosure

The disclosure policy identifies the possibility of reporting on specific KPIs at different levels according to Member administration preferences:

  • Public level: Available on the public site;
  • WCO level: Available to all National Contact Points (NCPs) and peer reviewers of all WCO Members, plus Secretariat staff, including all users with a basic PMM role;
  • Union level: Available to NCPs and peer reviewers of Members of the Union, plus Secretariat staff; and
  • Country level: Available to NCPs and peer reviewers of the Member to be reviewed, plus Secretariat staff.


Customs administrations are also able to decide whether to make information on the results of the assessment public, to share it with other Customs administrations, or to keep it confidential.